The symmetrcal sunspot with a stable penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 29.04 to 11.05 along the middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. Time to time neighboring the sunspot there were pores of an opposite magnetic polarity.
The sprawling bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 28.05 to 8.06 along the high latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The bipole arose with the developed head part and numerous small spots behind it. Two-three days later the head sunspots started moving away from each other. When the East head sunspot reached the tail part of the group, the bipole started being scattered. In the evolution's peak the total region's area exceeded 300 m.h.s.
The small bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 30.05 to 10.06 along the middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The head sunspot had a stable symmetrical penumbra.
The small sunspot with a symmetrical penumbra was following the region 11231. It was observed since 3.06 to 12.06. Time to time neighboring the sunspot there were pores with an opposite magnetic polarity.
The noticeable bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 15.06 to 26.06 along the middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The bipole consisted of two umbras with general symmetrical penumbra and small tail sunspots. Couple of the head sunspots gradually merged in uniform symmetrical formation, and the tail part of the group broke up. Time to time the total region's area reached 350 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted more fifteen sunspots.
The undistinguished bipolar sunspots were observed at the middle latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 8.07 to 15.07 to the West from the central meridian.
The small bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 10.07 to 20.07 along the 25th parallel of the Southern hemisphere. The head sunspot had a stable symmetrical penumbra.
The noticable bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 24.07 to 5.08 along the 20th parallel of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the bipole represented a shain of developed sunspots with penumbraes. In the next days the shain began fail, and the head sunspot was growing. In the evolution's peak the total region's area exceeded 300 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted more twenty sunspots.
The big multipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 26.07 to 7.08 along the 15th parallel of the Northern hemisphere. The multipole continuously changed the spatial configuration, in the first days the group accepted a freakish form of a horseshoe. In the evolution's peak the total region's area reached 350 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted fifty sunspots about.
The large bipolar formation crossed the Sun disc since 28.07 to 10.08. The bipole followed the group 11261 and represented two large umbraes with developed penumbraes. Neighboring the central meridian these sunspots began split up stretching all the group along parallel. In the evolution's peak the total region's area exceeded 700 m.h.s., in the group it was counted more twenty sunspots.
The noticeable bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 15.08 to 28.08 along the middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the bipole consisted of three sunspots with developed penumbraes making a rectangular triangle. In the next days the tail sunspot started growing and was split up. In the evolution's peak the total region's area reached 300 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted more twenty five sunspots.
The small bipolar group was observed at the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 30.08 to 6.09, to the West from the central meridian. Main sunspots had symmetrical penumbraes.
The sprawling bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 30.08 to 12.09 along the middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the evoluion's peak the total region's area exceeded 200 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted twenty sunspots about.
The fine sunspot with a symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 3.09 to 15.09 along the 30th parallel of the Southern hemisphere. Time to time there were sunspots with an opposite magnetic polarity neighboring the sunspot.
Two large umbraes with the general penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 5.09 to 19.09 along the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. Neighboring the double sunspot there were numerous sunspots and pores of different magnetic polarity. Neighboring the central meridian the total region's area reached 450 m.h.s., and in the group it was counted more fifteen sunspots.
The fine bipolar sunspots were observed at the middle latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 12.09 to 18.09, to the West from the central meridian.
The growing bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 12.09 to 24.09 along the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. Main sunspot with a large stable penumbra was situated in the central part of the bipole. Before the Western limb the total region's area exceeded 500 m.h.s., in the group it was counted more twenty sunspots.
The disintegrated bipolar group was observed at the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 13.09 to 24.09. The greatest sunspot was situated in the tail bipole's part and represented two umbraes with the general penumbra. To the East from the central meridian the total group's area reached 130 m.h.s.