The mid latitude group in the Northern hemisphere had shown an example of the fast erruptive development and so prompt decline. The region had appeared on 18.08.05, near the East limb. Per several days the group was inflated up to bipolar closed configuration of the moderate sizes. In the peak of the rough and brief evolution the total area of the group had exceeded 200 m.s.h., and sunspot quantity had exceeded 35 units.
The bipolar group of the moderate sizes, the continuation of the region 10797 had arisen at mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 24.08.05 and was observed during one week. It was looked as a shapeless congestion of pores and fine spots with a changeable degree of distribution.
The small bipolar sunspot on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere had arisen on 27.08.05. The head spot with symmetric penumbra was allocated on a background of the group. The tail part was advanced poorly. Therefore from time to time it seemed, that the group is a single sunspot. The region had disappeared on 7.09, had not reached up to the Western limb.
The huge group had arisen on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 7.09.05. In process of progress to the central meridian the region roughly developed: its total area had reached 1500 m.s.h., and the quantity of sunspot in the group had exceeded 80 units. The magnetic configuration of the group was rather difficult, representing multipolar formation. On the second week the group had continued the procession at the Western part of the Sun disc.It began gradually reduce, but thus it was saving the closed configuration. 19.09 the group 10808 had reached the Western limb, finishing the powerful phase of sunspot activity at the Sun.
The bipolar group of the moderate sizes was observed on the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere from 17.09 to 29.09.05. From time to time the total area of the group exceeded 200 m.s.h., and quantity of the spots - 20 units. The basic part of the group was concentrated in the large spot with huge penumbra. On the first sight the sunspot was seem as unipolar formation, however inside surrounding penumbra there were two centres of the opposite polarities.
The small low latitude group with complex bipolar configuration. The region had appeared on 4.10.05 in the Southern hemisphere, in the East part of the Sun disc. The next day it was fixed the compact sunspot distribution in the group, its quantity had come nearer to 30 units, and total area - 160 m.s.h. The basic part of the area was concentrated in the head of the group. After that there was occured languidly current disintegration of the group had finished the existence in the one week after the occurrence.
The fine bipolar group in the Southern hemisphere has appeared on 1.11.05, to the East of the central meridian. The region was slowly drifted from low to more moderate geliographic latitudes. The group was observed a week.
The small bipolar formation had arisen at mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 5.11.05, in the West part of the Sun disc. It was observed until 9.11.
The new law group had arisen in the Southern hemisphere on 12.11.05. The formation was stretched on a longitude, the conducting spot with penumbra had the impressive sizes. Coming nearer to the central meridian, the group was gradually grew in the sizes, therefore its total area had reached 860 m.s.h., but the sunspot quantity had hardly exceeded 40 units. The group had come nearer to the Western limb on 25.11.05.
The new passage small bipolar region 10820 across the Sun disc began 20.11.05 at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The group consisted from the spot with small symmetric penumbra and short-term occurrences of pores and fine spots-satellites of the opposite polarity. The region was observed till 2.12.05, until set for the limb.
The near-equatorial group was rising 28.11.05. In process of progress to the central meridian the group roughly grew and developed. In total for four days the total area of the region has grown in tens times and made 500. The group looked as three sunspot's centres with developed penumbraes. The unexpectedly central part of the group began promptly collapse, and some of it spots sent to a tail part. After that the process of rough disintegration has captured also tail part of the group. In result of wonderful erruptive metamorphoses, the group has approached to the Western limb as the well saved head spot with symmetric penumbra.
The low latitude bipolar group with undeveloped penumbraes was observed in the Northern hemisphere, to the east of the central meridian, 30.11 and 1.12.05.
The small near-equatorial group of a bipolar configuration. The head sunspot had small symmetric penumbra. The group was observed from 1.12 to 6.12.05.
The new mid latitude sunspot rose in the Northern hemisphere 2.12.05. The spot had small symmetric penumbra and was observed until 13.12, had been passing almost all the Sun disc from the East to the West.
The near-equatorial bipolar group of the small sizes arisen 4.12.05 between regions 10826 and 10826, near the central meridian. The group was seen until 8.12.
The unipolar rest of the large region 10822 rose at the low latitude of the Southern hemisphere 9.12.05. The sunspot had appreciable symmetric penumbra. From time to time there were separate pores around of this spot. The region was observed till 21.12, when it has reached the Western limb.
The mid latitude bipolar group of the moderate sizes was observed in the Northern hemisphere from 9 to 22.12.05. The total area of region has reached 220 m.s.h. and quantity of spots about ten units 11.12. The basic part of the group was concentrated in a head spot had enough large penumbra.
The bipolar group of the appreciable sizes was observed at the tenth parallel from 13 to 16.12.05, in the Western part of the Southern hemisphere. 14.12 the total area of the region has reached 150 m.s.h., and sunspots quantity - ten units.
The group has arisen on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere 17.12.05, in thirty degrees to the east of the central meridian. Coming nearer to the central meridian, the region quickly growed: in two days its total area has made 250 m.s.h., and the sunspot number has exceeded 30 units. On a background of all the group the head spot with large penumbra was especially allocated. Then the group began reduce, gradually losing the tail part. 25.12 the sunspot has reached the Western limb.
The mid latitude bipolar formation of the appreciable sizes in the Northern hemisphere has arisen on 22.12.05 to the East of the central meridian. The next day the group has reached half-closed configuration, and its total area has reached 190 m.s.h. After the group began gradually collapse, having reached the Western limb on 31.12.
The mid latitude group in the Northern hemisphere was observed in the Western part of the Sun disc from 21.12 to 27.12.05. From time to time it was possible to observe small penumbraes around of the basic sunspots.
The mid latitude group with appreciable penumbra, but not clear configuration. It had arisen in the Northern hemisphere on 24.12.05, and in two days its total area has reached 170 m.s.h. The group had come nearer to the Western limb on 5.12.06.
NOAA 10842
The small law latitude sunspot has appeared on the East limb of the Southern hemisphere on 22.12.05. From time to time it was possible to consider small penumbra around of the spot, and hardly to the East - a fine pore of the opposite polarity. The group has disappeared on 28.12, having almost reached the central meridian.
The small mid latitude group had arisen in the Northern hemisphere on 26.12.05. The head spot had tiny symmetric penumbra, and tail pores were on the verge of visibility. It was continuation of the region 10830. The group was observed till 6.01.06.
The mid latitude bipolar group had arisen 29.12.05 in the Western part of the Southern hemisphere. The basic spots had small penumbra. The group has gone for the limb on 31.12.05.
The small bipolar group in the Southern hemisphere has appeared at the tenth parallel on 15.01.06, to the West of the central meridian. The next day sunspot number in the group has reached 11 units, then the structure began promptly collapse.
The mid latitude sunspot chain with advanced penumbraes. It had appeared in the Southern hemisphere on 18.01.06, to the East of the central meridian. In next days the group has tested enough rough development, evolutioning in the closed structure. 22.01.06 the sunspot quantity in the group has come nearer to 40 units. However, the total area of this region has not exceeded 250 m.s.h.
The fine law latitude group without clear configuration in the Northern hemisphere. It was observed with a break 23.01 and 25.01.06 to the West of the central meridian.
The mid latitude bipolar configuration of the pore and the spot with fine symmetric penumbra. It was observed on 27.01.06 in the Southern hemisphere, near to the Western limb.
The fine sunspots of the unipolar configuration at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. Its were observed 8.02 and 9.02.06 to the West of the central meridian.
The tine spots without clear configuration on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. Its were observed near the Western limb from 9.02 to 11.02.06.
The law latitude chain of pores and fine spots of the dense configuration was observed in the Southern hemisphere from 18.03 24.03.06. It was possible to count about 30 spots on 21.03.06.
The short-time near-equatorial pores observed near to the Western limb on 24.03.06. After its rising on 28.03.06 looked as enough quiet formation on the Sun disc. In couple of the days a head part of the group began unexpectedly increased. Then the short-term increase was observed and in a tail part of the group. As a result of such rough evolution the region had reached the closed configuration of a compact type. The total area of the group had come nearer to 620 m.s.h., and the maximum sunspots quantity had exceeded 30 units. The group has gone for the Sun limb on 8.03.06.
The small law latitude group of the single configuration, in vicinities from time to time pores occurred. The region was observed from 29.03 to 10.04.06.
The mid latitude bipolar group in the Southern hemisphere had suddenly arisen higher than the region 10866 on 2.04.06. The group had shown enough rough development for a short interval of time. In process of progress to the Western limb there was a fast disintegration of a tail part of the group. In the peak of the prompt evolution the group had reached half-closed configuration and quantity of spots about 15 units. Before it set of 10.04.06 there was a small head part from this group.
The short-time law latitude group of a bipolar configuration in the Southern hemisphere. It was observed to the West of the central meridian 5.04 and 6.04.06.
The small mid latitude group in the Southern hemisphere had arisen to the East of the central meridian on 6.04.06. This bipolar configuration consist from pores and fine spots. It was observed until 14.06 when the group had set for the Sun limb.
The small spot with symmetric penumbra and hardly appreciable tail. The group has appeared near the East limb in the Southern hemisphere and was slowly drifted to the Sun equator. It was observed from 10.04 to 19.04.06.
The fine law latitude formation in the Southern hemisphere with quasistructure and fine symmetric penumbra per the first days of the existence. The group was observed a week, from 11.04 to 18.04.06.
The small near-equatorial group with elements of very fast and unstable development, and with the subsequent disintegration. It is interesting, that the conducting spot had poorly changeable symmetric penumbra. It was observed from 11.04 to 17.04.06.
The fine near-equatorial group had appeared at the centre of the Sun disc with 18.04.06. For five next days the group had time to get the bipolar form with asymmetric penumbraes and quickly break up to hardly seen pore.
The appreciablly developing structure of the former group 10865 on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. It was observed from 23.04 to 5.04.06. In the peak of the evolution the group has reached the closed configuration, the spots quantity had exceeded 30 units. Before set for the limb the group had undergone essential disintegration.
The weak development of the bipolar group 10867 at mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere, than it was fast declined. The group was observed from 24.04 to 3.05.06.
NOAA 10877
The short-time law latitude pore in the Southern hemisphere was observed from 26.04 to 28.04.06.
The small bipolar group observed at mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere from 30.04 to 7.05.06. The conducting spot had symmetric penumbra, and the tail part of the group was observed from time to time only.
The new region at mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. It had appeared on 2.04.06 on the central meridian and was observed down to its set for for the Sun limb. The conducting spot of the group had small symmetric penumbra.
The unipolar rest of the region 10870 was situated on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. From time to time pores of opposite polarity occured near the spot with symmetric penumbra. It was at the Sun disc from 4.05 to 14.05.06.
The new mid latitude group with elements of dynamical bipolar development in the Southern hemisphere. It was observed in the Western part of the Sun disc from 6.05 to 11.05.06.
NOAA 10883
The near-equatorial pores were at the Sun disc from 7.05 to 13.05.06.
The fine bipolar structure at mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The head spot had hardly appreciable penumbra. The group was observed from 19.05 to 24.05.06.
The new mid latitude group of the bipolar configuration in the Southern hemisphere was observed from 20.05 to 27.05.06. The head spot had undeveloped symmetric penumbra. From time to time spots and pores occurred between head and tail parts of the group.
The fine bipolar group was observed at mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere from 28.05 to 31.05.06, in the Western part of the Sun disc. The head spotî had undeveloped penumbra.
The bipolar group considerably was considerably stretched on longitudes. The head part had advanced penumbra on a background of the group. The formation was observed at low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere and was observed from 4.06 to 15.06.06. The 8.06.06 the sunspot quantity in the group had made 35 units.
The new near-equatorial structure of the bipolar configuration was observed from 6.06 to 14.06.06. The conducting spot had fine penumbra had got the symmetric form in due course.
The fine bipolar formation on the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. Basically, the group consisted from pores, some spots had rudimentary penumbraes. It was continuation of the group 10885.
The new bipolar congestion of small sunspots and pores, scattered on a longitude on significant distance. It was observed at low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere from 25.06 to 4.07.06. The 27.04.06 the quantity of the spots in in the group had reached 23 units.
The large spot with symmetric penumbra at low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere was observed from 28.06 to 9.07.06. Then penumbra was extended on a longitude, and inside it there was formed spot of opposite polarity. It was continuation of the powerful bipolar region 10892.
The fine bipolar group observed at low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere from 5.07 to 13.07.06. The head spot had fine penumbra. It was identified with the region.10893 monthly prescription.