The growing bipolar group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere 30.04.04, to the West from the central meridian. In next days the total region's area was increased in several times and had exceeded 300 m.s.h. in maximum. On 5.05 the group had reached the Western limb.
The high latitude bipolar formation was observed in the Southern hemisphere since 3.05 to 9.05.04, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc. The head sunspot had fine symmetrical penumbra.
The high latitude bipolar group had appeared in the Southern hemisphere on 4.05.04, to the East from the central meridian. The region was almost imperceptible at the Sun surface. On 10.05 the group had reached the Western limb.
The perceptible law latitude sunspot had arisen 7.05.04 in the Southern hemisphere. The evolutionary result of the bipolar region 10593. Two spots were united by general asymmetrical penumbra. From time to time the total area of the double sunspot exceeded 200 m.s.h. Besides, tail recurrent pores with against magnetic polarity were observed in the group. On 20.05 the region had come to the Western limb.
The near equatorial group had appeared 10.05.04 in the Eastern part of the Sun disc and was developed by classical csenario. The head and tail parts of the region were slowly extended. Neighbouring the central meridian the total group's area had exceeded 500 m.d.p, and sunspot's number - 40 units. From time to time the region acquired closed magnetic configuration. On 21.05 the group had reached the Western limb.
The new bipolar group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere on 13.05.04, neighbouring the central meridian. The head and tail parts of the group had perceptible penumbraes. The total region's area was slowly increased, and significance of the index had exceeded 150 m.s.h. in maximum. On 20.05 the group had reached the Western limb.
The small sunspot with symmetrical penumbra, the unipolar rest of the region 10596. It crossed the Sun disc at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 13.05 to 26.05.04.
The small sunspot with symmetrical penumbra, unipolar rest of the region 10599. It was observed at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 15.05 to 28.05.04.
The perceptible bipolar group was arisen at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 20.05.04. The double sunspot with developed penumbra was as base of the group, two chains of many fine spots and pores were situated on either side. In several days the Western chain began extend, a head part of the group was formed in the place. Later the group assumed classical form with developed head and tail sunspot, and many fine spots and pores were situated between its. From time to time the total region's area exceeded 400-450 m.s.h., and sunspot's number reached 50-60 units. The group set for the limb on 1.06.
The small bipolar group was observed at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 4.06 to 9.06.04. The head sunspot had fine symmetrical penumbra.
The small mid latitude sunspot with symmetrical penumbra was crossed the Southern hemisphere since 9.06 to 22.06.04. The unipolar rest of the region 10619.
NOAA 10633
The fine recurent sunspots were noticed to the East from the region 10632 since 13.06 to 24.06.04.
The mid latitude bipolar group was crossed the Sun disc in the Northern hemisphere since 13.06 to 25.06.04. The head and tail sunspots was parted by considerable longitude's distance. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 400 m.s.h., the main area's part was concentrated in the head sunspot.
The big bipolar group had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 14.06.04. The bipolar development of the big region 10618. The group consisted of two sunspots with big penumbraes which were parted by considerable longitude's distance. Many fine spots and pores were situated around tail sunspot. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 600 m.s.h., and sunspot's number - 70 units.
The law latitude bipolar group, the head sunspot with symmetrical penumbra was as base of the group. It was observed in the Northern hemisphere since 28.06 to 8.07.04.
The perceptible bipolar group was acrossed the Sun disc at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 6.07 to 18.07.04. The head and tail sunspot had small penumbraes. In the evolution's peak the total region's area had exceeded 100 m.s.h., and it was counted more twenty spots in the group.
The short-time bipolar formation was noticed at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 9.07 to 11.07.04, to the West from the central meridian.
The evolution's result of the big bipolar group 10634. The region had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere 10.07.04. The sunspot with symmetrical penumbra was as base of the group, and fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared around the sunspot. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 100-150 m.s.h. The sunspot had reached the Western limb on 22.07.
The perceptible bipolar group had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 9.07.04, neighbouring the central meridian. The region was gradually extended and complicated the configuration. In five days the group had reached closed configuration, the total area had exceeded 250 m.s.h. And the next day the developing sunspots had reached the Western limb.
The small bipolar group was noticed at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemispphere since 12.07 to 15.07.04, in the Weswtern part of the Sun disc. The main sunspots had fine asymmetrical penumbraes.
The perceptible bipolar formation was crossed the Sun disc at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere since 12.07 to 24.07.04. The head and tail parts of the group had developed penumbraes which were surrounded by many fine spots and pores. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 400-500 m.s.h. The tail part of the region was slowly decayed.
The large multipole had very unusual form. The group had arisen 16.07.04 at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere and consisted of two large and quite near sunspots. And penumbraed structure with embedded sunspots lined behind its. Neighbouring the central meridian the total group's area had exceeded 1800 m.s.h. From time to time it was counted more 70 sunspots in the region. On 29.07 the large group had reached the Western limb.
The compact bipolar group had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 17.07.04. The region had perceptible sizes, from time to time the total area exceeded 200 m.s.h. In time the bipolar structure was decayed, the place was taken by smalll sunspot with stable symmetrical penumbra. On 28.07 the region had reached the Western limb.
The unchanged bipolar configuration of two sunspots with small symmetrical penumbraes which were parted by moderate distance. Pores appeared and disappeared between the sunspots. The group was observed at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 25.07 to 4.08.04.
The perceptible bipolar group had arisen at the Eastern limb on 30.07.04, at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. The head sunspot had stable penumbra, and long string of fine sunspots lined for it. From time to time it was counted more 50 sunspots in the group, and total region's area exceeded 200 m.s.h. Neighbouring the central meredian a leading sunspot stood out against the tail part of the group which was commensurabled the head sunspot, and rest spots began slowly disappear. On 10.08 the group had approached to the Western limb.
The large multipole with closed configuration had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 6.08.04. The hectic development of the multipolar region 10649. The group was many sunspots which were embedded in several big penumbra's pieces. Neighbouring the central meridian the total region's area had reached 1500 m.s.h. From time to time it was counted more 80 sunspots in the group. The large group saved the main parameters until set for the limb on 18.08.
The bipolar rest of the large region 10652 had arisen at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 12.08.04. The head sunspot had large symmetrical penumbra, and the tail sunspot had big symmetrical penumbra. The two sunspots were situated enough nearly one to another. Fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared around these sunspots. Such combination of the sunspots was very unordinary. Neighbouring the central meridian the total region's area had exceeded 500-600 m.s.h. The group had approached to the Western limb on 26.08 without little changes.
The mid latitude chain of small sunspots was observed in the Northern hemisphere since 18.08 to 23.08.04. In the evolution's peak the total group's area had reached 100 m.s.h.
The rest of the region 10654 had arisen at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 19.08.04. The head sunspot had stable symmetrical penumbra, and the tail part was weak seen. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 150 m.s.h. The region had reached the Western limb on 31.08.
The noticed bipolar formation had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 19.08.04, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc. The group was composed by small spots and pores which were scattered at moderade distance of the latitude. From time to time the total region's area exceeded 150 m.s.h. On 29.08 the group had reached the Western limb.
The sunspot with big asymmetrical penumbra had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 1.09.04. The unipolar rest of the region 10655. From time to time the total sunspot's area exceeded 300 m.s.h. The sunspot was observed until 12.09.
The new bipolar group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 3.09.04, in the Western part of the Sun disc. It was observed until 7.09.
The small bipolar group had arisen 5.09.04 to the North-East from the region 10667. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 100 m.s.h. The region was observed until 14.09.
The new bipolar group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 6.09.04, in the Western part of the Sun disc. The group was briskly extended. Before set for the limb 11.09 the total area had reached 400 m.s.h.
The development of the big bipolar region 10661. The group had arisen at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 9.09.04. The region consisted of the head sunspot with stable asymmetrical penumbra and string of many fine spots. From time to time the group reached closed magnetic configuration, and the total group's area exceeded 300 m.s.h. In the evolution's peak there was more 50 spots and pores in the group. In time the tail part of group had decayed, and the leading sunspot had approached to the Western limb on 21.09.
The mid latitude bipolar region, the group's 10664 continuation. It had arisen in the Southern hemisphere on 15.09.04. The group consisted of the leading sunspot with powerful symmetrical penumbra and many fine spots in the tail part. From time to time the total group's area exceeded 350 m.s.h. In time the tail part of the group had decayed, and the head sunspot had reached the Western limb on 27.09.
The unipolar rest of the big bipolar region 10671. The sunspot the symmetrical penumbra run across the Sun disc at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 25.09 to 7.10.04. From time to time the total sunspot's area reached 100 m.s.h.
The continuation of the big sunspot 10667. The group had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 28.09.04. In the first days the group consisted of sunspot with symmetrical penumbra. On 3.10 the group had transformed to bipolar configuration. The main sunspots had fine symmetrical penumbraes. The region was observed until 9.10.
The perceptible bipolar group had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 12.10.04, near the Eastern limb. In the first days the group had developed tail part. After intersection of the central meridian the head group's part began suddenly show its activity. From time to time the total region's area reached 300 m.s.h. The group had approached to the Western limb on 24.10.
The single sunspot had arisen at the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 16.10.04. In process of progress to the central meridian the group did not show signs of development. On 21.10 the group had suddenly assumed bipolar configuration, and for two next days it increased the total area in two tens times. The sunspot's quantity had increased until 20-25 units. But the splash of activity was fast. To the Western limb the group approached on 29.10 as initial state.
The perceptible bipolar group was as continuation of the region 10678. It had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere on 19.10.04. The group consisted of head sunspot with developed penumbra and string of many spots behind it. Neighbouring the central meredian the total region's area had exceeded 300m.s.h., and time to time the index had reached 400 m.s.h. It was counted more 50 sunspots and pores in the group. In next days tail part of the group began slowly decayed. On 1.11 the region had come to the Western limb.
The new bipolar group had appeared at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 19.10.04, in the Western part of the Sun disc. On 23.10 the new region had reached the Western limb.
The mid latitude group had arisen in the Northern hemisphere on 23.10.04. The group consisted of head sunspots with one penumbra and fine tail pores. In next week the region began extended. On 31.10 the group had reached closed configuration, and the total area had exceeded 200 m.s.h. On 5.11 the region had set for the limb.
The small bipolar region was situated at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 24.10 to 30.10.04. The head and tail sunspots had penumbraes.
The large bipolar group had appeared at the Eastern limb on 27.10.04. The region was situated at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. Coming to the central meridian, the group had expanded until 800 m.s.h. and more. Its magnetic configuration found itself closed. In next days slow decay of the group was outlined. On 9.11 the bipole had reached the Western limb.
NOAA 10694
The fine bipolar group was marked at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 26.10 to 31.10.04.
The small bipolar region was observed at mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 30.10 to 7.11.04. The head and tail sunspots had fine penumbraes.
The law latitude multipole had arisen in the Northern hemisphere 1.11.04, near the Eastern limb. In next days the group was increased in several times. Neighbouring the central meridian the total area had exceeded 1000 m.s.h. In the evolution's peak the group had reached closed configuration, and sunspot's number had exceeded 40 units. On 14.11 the region had reached the Western limb.
The group had arisen on 9.11.04 at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere as final stage of the big region 10682. The group was looked as fine sunspot without clear penumbra. From time to time insignificant tail pores had appeared in the group. The region had disappeared on 19.11, it was not reaching the Western limb.