The big sunspot with imposing penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 7.03 to 19.03.03, along the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. From time to time the total region's area exceeded 600 m.s.h. Single pores appeared and disappeared neighbouring the sunspot.
The small bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 9.03 to 18.03.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The total region's area reached 100 m.s.h. The head sunspot had stable asymmetrical penumbra, and the tail sunspots were slowly decayed.
The new bipolar group had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 14.03.03, neighbouring the central meridian. The head sunspot had stable symmetrical penumbra, and the tail sunspots were gradually extended, divided and developed. The total region's area reached 500 m.s.h. On 21.03 the bipole had come to the Western limb.
The fine bipolar formation crossed the Sun disc since 22.03 to 2.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. On 29.03 the total region's area exceeded 100 m.s.h., and it was counted more 20 sunspots in the group.
The big bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 23.03 to 2.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the evolution's process touched al the group. After intersection of the central meridian the head sunspot began continuously extend and assume symmetrical form, and the tail sunspots were gradually decayed. The maximal total area of the bipole was 400-450 m.s.h.
The insignificant bipolar sunspots had appeared at the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 24.03.03, to the East from the central meridian. The group was observed until 30.03.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 24.03 to 5.04.03, along the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the group was like trapezium, and the tail sunspot had perceptible sizes and devepoled penumbra. Later the head part of the group decayed, and the tail sunspots had come to the Western limb.
The developing bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 25.03 to 4.04.04, along the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The region was slowly increasing the sizes. Neighbouring the central meridian the bipole consisted of several perceptible sunspots with developed penumbraes. Then the group began stretch by longitude. The total region's area reached 300-400 m.s.h. It was counted 25-30 sunspots in the group.
The new bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 27.03 to 7.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. In the first days the bipole had fine sizes and did not display activity. After intersection of the central meridian the group began extend. In three days the total region's area increased in several times and exceeded 350 m.s.h. It was counted more 30 sunspots in the group. It assumed trapezium's form, and sunspots with developed penumbraes were settled in the vertices.
The sunspot with imposing symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 27.03 to 9.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10296. Fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared around the sunspot. From time to time the total region's area exceeded 400 m.s.h.
The fine sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 28.03 to 9.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10294.
The sunspot with imposing symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 3.04 to 16.04.03, along the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10306. Fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared around the sunspot. From time to time the total region's area exceeded 450 m.s.h.
The fine group was observed at the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 5.04 to 10.04.03, in the Western part of the Sun disc. The tail sunspot had penumbra.
The small sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 9.04 to 22.04.03, along the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. In the first days the total sunspot's area reached 100-150 m.s.h.
The small sunspot with oblong penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 17.04 to 26.04.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10319. In the first days the total sunspot's area reached 150-200 m.s.h. In several days the sunspot bifurcated and slowly decayed.
The big sunspot with asymmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 18.04 to 1.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. Fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared neighbouring the sunspot. From time to time the total sunspot's area exceeded 300 m.s.h.
The new bipolar chain had originated at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 19.04.03, to the East from the central meridian. In three days the group began noticeably extend. Before set for the limb the total region's area exceeded 200 m.s.h. The new bipole was observed until 27.04.
The fine bipolar formation was noticed at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 20.04 to 23.04.03, in the Western part of the Sun disc.
NOAA 10340
The recurrent group crossed the Sun disc since 20.04 to 2.05.03, along the equator. In last days the region was perceptible extended. Before set for the limb the total bipole's area reached 150 m.s.h.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 24.04 to 4.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The bipole consisted of head and tail sunspots with powerful penumbraes, and two parts of the group were nearby. The total region's area reached 500 m.s.h. After intersection of the central meridian the tail sunspots began decay.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 24.04 to 6.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The bipole consisted of two nearby sunspots with symmetrical penumbraes. From time to time the total region's area reached 250 m.s.h.
The perceptible sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 24.04 to 7.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10325. From time to time the total sunspot's area reached 100 m.s.h.
The eruptive group crossed the Sun disc since 26.04 to 8.05.03, along 36th parallel of the Southern hemisphere. The formation did not display activity the greater part of time. On 3.05, after intersection of the central meridian, the new group began suddenly growing and transforming into long and solid chain of developed sunspots. In the next days the total region's area increased in ten times, exceeding 500 m.s.h. It was counted 25-30 sunspots in the group.
The large multipole crossed the Sun disc since 25.04 to 7.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The new group was situated to the East from the region 10345 and was comparabled it in the first days. The sunspots with penumbraes extended, and new nuclears and pores appeared between it. Coming to the central meridian, the group assumed closed magnetic configuration. The total region's area exceeded 1000 m.s.h., and it was counted 60-70 sunspots in the group.
The single sunspot with large penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 30.04 to 12.05, along the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10330. From time to time the total sunspot's area exceeded 300 m.s.h.
The fine high latitude sunspot with symmetrical penumbra was observed in the Northern hemisphere since 4.05 to 11.05.03, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc.
The fine sunspot with rudimments of penumbra was noticed at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 4.05 to 7.05, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc.
The small sunspot with irregular penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 8.05 to 19.05, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The continuation of the fine region 10339. Fine spots and pores appeared and disappeared around the sunspot.
The small bipolar formation crossed the Sun disc since 11.05 to 22.05.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. From time to time the total region's area reached 100 m.s.h.
The small bipolar group was observed since 11.05 to 17.05.03, a little to the South from the region 10356. From time to time the total area reached 100 m.s.h. The main sunspots had fine penumbraes.
The insignificant sunspots were observed at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere since 15.05 to 18.05.03, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 15.05 to 24.05.03, along the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. The bipole consisted of sunspots with small penumbraes which were parted by considerable distance. New small sunspots appeared in the tail part of the group. The total region's area exceeded 200 m.s.h. in maximum. After intersection the central meridian the group began decay.
The small bipolar group was observed at the high latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 19.05 to 23.05.03, in the Western part of the Sun disc. The maximal total area of the region reached 200 m.s.h.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 20.05 to 2.06.03, along the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. In the first days the region did not display activity. On 25.05, coming to the central meridian, several sunspots with penumbraes had appeared in the group which were collected into the flower's form. The penumbraes were gradually extending, and next two-three days all the sunspots were immersed into a big penumbra which was slowly stretched. In the evolution's peak the total region's area exceeded 1000 m.s.h., and it was conted 40-50 sunspots in the group.
The high latitude rest of the bipolar region 10348. The perceptible sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 22.05 to 6.06.03, along the 32rd parallel of the Southern hemisphere. In the first days the total group's area reached 200 m.s.h. After intersection of the central meridian the sunspot bifurcated to more fine nuclears with penumbraes. Then the group turned into decay.
The perceptible sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 27.05 to 9.06.03, along the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The sunspot's 10351 continuation. Since 1.06 to 4.06 fine spots with opposite magnetic polarity were observed near the sunspot.
The large multipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 1.06 to 14.06.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the region consisted of two nearby sunspots with powerful penumbraes and several pores around it. In next days new nuclears with growing penumbraes appeared near the sunspots. Comparable hectic development of the multipole united all the nuclears into two-three pieces of penumbra. Not long before set for the limb the group assumed fanciful form like saxofon. In this time the total multipole's area reached 1500 m.s.h. It was counted more 60 sunspots in the group.
The new bipolar region had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 2.06.03, to the East from the central meridian. In next day the total group's area reached 100 m.s.h., then it began decay. The group existed until 8.06.
The new bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 4.06 to 15.06.03, along the equator. The head sunspot had stable symmetrical penumbra. Behind it many fine spots and pores appeared which formed a long string. Neighbouring the central meridian the total region's area reached 200 m.s.h., and it was counted more 25 sunspots in the group. Then the tail part of the group began decay, and it was the head sunspot only which reached the Western limb.
The bipolar development and decay of the region 10357. The group crossed the Sun disc since 6.06 to 19.06.03, along the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. It consisted of the big sunspot with penumbra, and many fine spots and pores formed a group round it. The region was classified as big closed multipole. In the evolution's peak the total area had reached 700-800 m.s.h., and the sunspot's quantity - 50 units. After intersection of the central meridian the group turned into rapid decay. To the Western limb the region had come as small sunspot with symmetrical penumbra.
The new high latitude group had appeared in the Southern hemisphere on 9.06.03, to the East from the central meridian. In next day the head and tail sunspots had acquired fine penumbraes. Then the group began gradually decay. On 16.06 the group come to the Western limb as single pore.
The insignificant bipolar sunspots were observed at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 10.06 to 15.06.03, in the Western part of the Sun disc.
The small bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 14.06 to 21.06.03, along the thirtieth parallel of the Northern hemisphere. The main sunspots had fine penumbraes.
The slow decay of the large region 10365. The old group crossed the Sun disc since 16.06 to 26.06.03, along the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. The group was like compact ruins of small sunspots which were gradually diminished. In the first days the total region's area exceeded 300 m.s.h.
The perceptible bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 18.06 to 30.06.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The head and tail sunspots were slowly extending. Neighbouring the central meridian the total region's area reached 300 m.s.h. Then the tail sunspot began slowly decayed, and the head part of the group reached the Western limb.
The near equatorial bipolar group had originated on 18.06.07 in the Sun disc's center. The bipole consisted of small sunspots which were slowly decayed and moved away. The maximal total area of the region reached 150 m.s.h.
The single sunspot with symmetrical penumbra crossed the Sun disc since 22.06 to 4.07.03, along the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. The rest of the bipolar region 10373. From time to time the total sunspot's area reached 100 m.s.h.
The perceptible bipolar group was observed since 21.06 to 29.06.03 and was situated a little to the South-East from the region 10387. Two groups were parallel settled and were enough nearby. The total area of the new bipole reached 250 m.s.h. in maximum. The head sunspot was more developed part of the group.
The new bipolar group had appeared on 26.06.03., in the centre of the Sun disc. It consisted of small sunspots and pores and was slowly stretching in long chain. In three days the total area had reached 200 m.s.h. After it the chain began crumble. On 2.07 the new region had come to Western limb.
The large bipolar group crossed the Sun disc since 27.06 to 10.07.03, along the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere. The head sunspot had imposing symmetrical penumbra. The tail part of the group consisted of many sunspots and pores, some spots had perceptible sizes. The sunspots were regular changing the form and combination. On 5.07 its made very beautiful figure which was like big paw. The maximal total area of the region exceeded 1000 m.s.h. From time to time it was counted 50-60 sunspots in the group.