The growing bipolar group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere 30.04.04, to the West from the central meridian. In next days the total region's area was increased in several times and had exceeded 300 m.s.h. in maximum. On 5.05 the group had reached the Western limb.
The congestion of fine sunspot had appeared in the central part of the Sun disc on 9.11.04. On 13.11 the group had acquired closed configuration and began suddenly extended. On 16.11 the total region's area had reached 300 m.s.h. After the group began decay, and on 18.11 it had reached the Western limb.
The small bipolar group was observed at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere since 16.11 to 20.11.04. The head and tail sunspots had symmetrical penumbraes.
The weak development of the bipolar region 10691. The group had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 18.11.04. The region consisted of head sunspot with small penumbra and imsignificant tail spots. The group subsisted until 30.11, had not reached the Western limb.
The symmetrical rest of the group 10698 had arisen at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 24.11.04. The region consisted of small nuclear with symmetrical penumbra and imperceptible pores of the opposit magnetic configuration. From time to time the total group's area had exceeded 150 m.s.h. The sunspots had reached the Western limb on 6.12.
The moderate development of the big region 10693. The group had arisen on 24.11.04 to the South from the region 10706. It was looked as nuclear with perceptible penumbra and more fine spots and pores around the central sunspot. The group was regular changed the magnetic configuration, and the total area had exceeded 200 m.s.h. from time to time. The region had reached the Western limb on 6.12.
The unipolar symmetrical rest of the large region had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere on 26.11.04. From time to time there were tail pores in the group. The average region's area was 100 m.s.h. The group had reached the Western limb on 9.12.
The law latitude pore had appeared at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 7.12.04. In next week the group was suddenly assumed bipolar configuration, thus the head and tail parts of the group had fine penumbraes. The region had reached the Western limb on 18.12.
The small bipolar group had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 10.12.04. The group was slow growing, before the set for the limb its total area exceeded 100 m.s.h.
The short-time bipolar group was noticed at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere since 16.12 to 19.12.04, in the Western part of the Sun disc.
The perceptible sunspot with asymmetrical penumbra and long string of pores and fine spots. The group had arisen at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 17.12.04. From time to time the total region's area had exceeded 200 m.s.h. The sunspots was observed until 30.12.
The compact multipole had arisen on 28.12.04 at the low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In process of progress to the central meridian the group was briskly decayed. In the first days the total region's area reached 350 m.s.h., and in next week the index had decreased in ten times. The group had reached the Western limb on 8.01.05.
The law latitude bipolar group had arisen in the Southern hemisphere on 7.01.05. In process of progress to the central meridian the region was very strung out longitude. The head and tail parts of the group had developed penumbraes. From time to time the region's area had exceeded 300 m.s.h. The group set for the limb on 20.01.
The large multipole of compact type had appeared at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 10.01.05, in the Eastern part of the Sun disc. In next three days the total region's area had increased in hundred times. On 15.01 the index had exceeded 1600 m.s.h. From time to time the sunspot's quantity was exceeded 60 units. The group had reached the Western limb on 22.01.05, had lost a half part of the maximal area.
The unipolar symmetrical rest of the fine region 10717. It was observed at the law latitudes of the Northern hemisphere since 17.01 to 29.01.05. From time to time the total sunspot's area had exceeded 100 m.s.h.
The near equatorial bipolar group was marked in the Western part of the Sun disc since 21.01 to 25.01.05. The head sunspots had developed penumbraes. The total region's area exceeded 100 m.s.h.
The law latitude bipolar group had arisen in the Southern hemisphere on 24.01.05, in the East part of the Sun disc. The head sunspot had small developed penumbra. From time to time the total region's area was exceeded 100 m.s.h. The group had reached Western limb on 3.02.
The fine sunspot with symmetrical penumbra and poorly visible tail spots. The region was observed at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere since 31.01 to 7.02.05.
The small high latitude sunspot with symmetrical penumbra was observed in the Southern hemisphere since 4.02 to 14.02.05. From time to time fine tail pores appeared in the group.
The law latitude sunspot with appreciable sizes was observed in the Southern hemisphere since 7.02 to 20.02.05. It's interesting that the sunspot changed the form, divided up and reunited again, acquired and lost spots-sattelites with another magnetic configuration. In the evolution's peak the total area of the region had exceeded 300 m.s.h.
The big sunspot with penumbra was observed at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 10.02 to 23.02.05. Many frine spots and pores were regular appeared and disappeared around the sunspot. In result, magnetic group's configuration relieved from unipolar to closed multipolar. Neighbouring the central meridian the total group's area had exceeded 500 m.s.h.
The mid latitude bipolar formation had appeared in the Northern hemisphere 19.02.05, to the West from the central meridian. In next days the head sunspot was appreciable increased, the total region's area had exceeded 200 m.d.p The group had reached the Western limb on 23.02.
The small bipolar group was marked at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 23.02 to 27.02.05. From time to time head and tail sunspots had fine penumbraes.
The fine bipolar group which had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere on 4.03.05. Seldom the total group's area had reached 100 m.s.h., and sunspot's quantity had exceeded 20 units. On 15.03 the bipole had reached the Western limb.
The law latitude bipolar group which had appeared at the East limb of the Southern hemisphere on 6.03.05. The head and tail parts of the group consisted many sunspots with developed penumbraes. These parts of the region were regular changed its forms at times surprising observer by beautiful. From time to time the total group's area had exceeded 300 m.s.h., and sum sunspot's quantity had reached 50 units.
The big unipolar rest of the region 10735 which had arisen at the low latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 9.03.05. From time to time the total group's area with the big symmetrical penumbra had exceeded 300 m.s.h. After intersection of the central meridian the unipole had suddenly acquire bipolar satellite. On 19.03 the total group's area had went up 420 m.s.h. The region had reached the West limb on 22.03.
The mid latitude bipolar group which had appeared in the Northern hemisphere 21.03.05, in the East part of the Sun disc. In process of progress to the central meridian the region was strung out longitude. The head sunspot had got developed penumbra. In the evolution's peak the total area of the region had exceeded 100 m.s.h. Subsequently the tail group's part had collapsed, and the leading sunspot had disappeared on 30.03.
The short-time bipolar formation which was noticed at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 23.03 to 27.03.05, to the West from the central meridian.
The small but dynamic developing bipolar region. On 31.03.05 a law latitude sunspot had appeared in the East part of the Sun disc, in the Southern hemisphere. In next days the group had got bipolar configuration in which it was count dozen fine sunspots. From time to time the total region's area had exceeded 100 m.s.h. The group was observed until 8.04.
The small sunspot with symmetric penumbra which was marked at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere since 31.03 to 6.04.05, in the East part of the Sun disc.
The slow decay of the region 10743. The group had arisen at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 5.04.05. The region was displayed in two ways. The head sunspot was gradually decreased and assumed symmetric form. But new bipolar satellites appeared near it. After all the desintegration prevailed. The region had reached the West limb on 17.04 as a single sunspot.
The poorly noticeable bipolar formation which was observed at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 14.04 to 27.04.05. The head sunspot had fine symmetric penumbra.
The large law latitude region which traversed the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 24.04 to 7.05.05. Neighbouring the central meridian the total group's area had exceeded 1000 m.s.h.
The law latitude congestion of small sunspots which were scattered about latitude and longitude. The group was as development of the bipolar region 10750. It had arisen on 2.05.05. In result of progress across the Sun disc sum sunspot number had increased to several tens units. Suddenly these spots had plunged into some pieces of big penumbraes, and as result, all the group had got precisely closed configuration. Before its set the total region area had sharply increased to 700 m.s.h. and more. The group was observed until 14.05.
The big sunspot which had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the total area of the region had approach 600 m.s.h. Subsequently the sunspot began diminished but fine spots-satellites appeared around it. From time to time summary sunspot's number exceeded twenty units. Before its set on 20.05 the main spot with penumbra assumed symmetric form, had lost spots-satellites. The total area of the region was decreased two times about.
The mid latitude bipolar region which had appeared in the Southern hemisphere on 10.05.05, in the East part of the Sun disc. The group had small but noticeable sizes, it consisted from head and tail sunspots with developed penumbraes. Near the central meridian the area of the bipole had exceeded 150 m.s.h. The group had decayed, had not reached the Western limb.
The small mid latitude group with open bipolar configuration which was observed in the Southern hemisphere since 11.05 to 19.05.05. From time to time the total group's area had reached 200 m.s.h.
The short-time law latitude sunspot which was perceived in the Northern hemisphere since 19.05 to 22.05.05, in the East part of the Sun disc. From time to time a fine penumbra was observed around the sunspot.
The bipolar development of the law latitude region 10757. The group had arisen in the Southern hemisphere on 21.05.05. The region's evolution was very interesting. In the first days the group was grown by longitutes. Then inside group's space filled with many fine sunspots, and after its began "stick together" by two big penumbraes. In result, all the group had precisely broken up into the head and the tail parts. And before set for the limb these parts of the group began move away itself. It is the entertaining fact that at first the group had reached the closed configuration with sunspot number more than 50 units, and after it, at the desintegration's phase, the total area of the group had reached 300 m.s.h. The group set for the limb on 2.06.
The short-time bipolar group which was marked at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 26.05 to 28.05.05, in the West part of the Sun disc.
The mid latitude chain of small sunspots which was seen in the Southern hemisphere since 31.05 to 10.06.05. From time to time it was numbered more than twenty spots in the group, a its total area had reached 200 m.s.h.
The weak development of the bipolar region 10762. The group had arisen on 1.06.05 at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere. From time to time the total area of the group had exceeded 150 m.s.h. moreover the main part of it area was in developed tail sunspot. The group was observed until 13.06.
The compact formation with appreciable sizes which was observed at the tenth parallel of the Northern hemisphere since 4.06 to 16.06.05. During intersection of the central meridian the group had reached maximal sizes. Its total area had exceeded 400 m.s.h.
The big near equatorial multipole which was observed since 5.06 to 17.06.05. Neighbouring the central meridian the total area of the group had reached 750 m.s.h.
The mid latitude bipolar group which had appeared in the Southern hemisphere on 14.06.05, east of central meridian. During four days the group had been increased in tens times, had reached 490 m.s.h. The group assumed half-closed magnetic configuration. In next days it was formed gradual desintegration of the region. The group was observed until 22.06.
The mid latitude bipolar region which was observed in the Southern hemisphere since 28.06 to 6.07.05. The group had developed head part and appreciable tail part. In the peak of the head sunspot's evolution the total area of the group had exceeded 250 m.s.h.
The large bipolar group which was observed near the Sun equator since 29.06 to 9.07.05. After its appearance in the East part of the Sun disc the group was promptly increased. In several next days the total area of the region had reached 650 m.s.h., and the group had got closed magnetic configuration. When the bipole had reached the central meridian, the sunspot quantity had exceeded 40 units. The group saved big sizes and complex structure until set for the limb.
The small bipolar formation which was observed at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 28.06 to 5.07.05. From time to time the total area of the group was reached 100 m.s.h.
The mid latitude multipole in the Northern hemisphere which was passed across the Sun disc since 1.07 to 14.07.05. From time to time the group area was reached 500 m.s.h., and big quantity of the spots made fanciful configurations.
The fine bipolar region which was situated near the group 10782, at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere. It was observed since 30.06 to 6.07.05.
The unipolar rest of the big region 10776 with symmetric penumbra which was observed at the law latitudes of the Southern hemisphere since 2.07 to 14.07.05.
The mid latittude bipolar formation which had appeared in the Northern hemisphere on 4.07.05, near the East limb. The group had open configuration, head and tail spots were settled down on significant distance from each other.
The new bipolar group which had appeared on 13.07.05 at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere, in the Western part of the Sun disc. The reegion had got a impuls in the evolution before the set on 17.07.
The small bipolar group which was observed at the mid latitudes of the North hemisphere since 23.07 to 2.08.05. The group consisted from stable head part and poorly appreciable tail pores.
The development of the region 10789. The group had arisen on 28.07.05 at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere. In the first days the group was looked as compact congestion of spots and pores. From time to time the total area of the multipole had exceeded 400 m.s.h. In next days there was allocation of the one spot with big penumbra. In process of progress to the Western limb the group reduced its sizes. Before the set for the limb on 10.08 its total area was equaled of the one tenth part from the maximal size.
The poorly appreciable congestion of spots and pores with the bipolar configuration. The group was observed since 29.07 to 3.08.05 at the mid latitudes of the Northern hemisphere.
The active continue of the region 10790. The group had arisen at the mid latitudes of the Southern hemisphere on 31.07.05. The sunspot with symmetric penumbra of appreciable sizes was as the nuclear of the group. Spots and pores had appeared and disappeared around the nuclear. Thus the group had unstable magnetic configuration. The total area of the group had exceeded 200 m.s.h. from time to time. The region 10794 had reached the Western limb on 12.08.
The mid latitude bipolar group which had appeared near the East limb of the Southern hemisphere on 11.08.05. The group had a developed head part with symmetric penumbra and an amorph tail part. From time to time the total area of the group had exceeded 100 m.s.h. 22.08 the region had reached the Western limb.
The group had appeared at the tenth parallel of the Southern hemisphere on 14.08.05. near the East limb. In the first days the group did not show any attributes of the evolution. Passing to the West part of the Sun disc, the group had arranged a small firework and had increased in tens times in next days. Thus the region had reached the compact configuration, the total area had exceeded 700 m.s.h. The group set for the limb 24.08.